Wednesday 17 January 2018

Foreigner (1978) Tramontane - LOST 70s GEMS

Foreigner's under utilised musicians Ian McDonald and Al Greenwood were both more attracted to the grand sweep of Prog rock and probably would've fitted in better in Styx or Kansas, but they did produce this fine instrumental on the group's second album.

Their potential on offer was never seized instead the band was dominated by the traditional singer guitarist roles of Lou Gramm and Mick Jones. The only instrumental in Foreigner's discography, Tramontane is an effective insight into their creative potential with a creepy dark synth tone to it that forms the foundation for Mick Jones's guitar playing over the top of it; he also has a credit.

The doom laden 'Haunted House' themed synth that enters the song at is iconic in my opinion; it's creepy descending motif reminding me of some gothic choir just missing some ghoulish sound effects, like rustling wind, witches cackling or a creaking cemetery gate. this is also funky, jazz inflected and displayed a rare eclecticism in the band's traditional arena rock setlist that were built around Jones's meaty guitar hooks and even meatier vocals by Gramm.

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