Thursday, 3 January 2019

Mungo Jerry (1974) Summers' Gone - LOST 70s GEMS

Wild Love a acoustic bopper with a great screamin call and response chorus 'waaaah, give me wild love'. There is some upbeat bounce to the song while the first three tracks are generic rock n roll with ragged belting form ray Dorset this has proper energy including the reverbed call of 'Hey!' towards the end. O Reilly and the Sun is Shining are slurred messes of songs, the latter reminding you how close they could stick to the old fashioned blues and rock n roll sounds without deviation or originality

Summer's Gone is the most interesting it is almost musically an exact remake of their big hit form four years prior, IN The summertime, but now with a slightly different inflection in the guitar parts and vocal melody, and more delightful mix of piano though the noises Dorset makes are the same as are the inclusion of the same low grade imitation of a car engine revving. The big difference is of course the lyrics which are the reverse of the original focusing on the summer ending and features great lyrics about "Summers gone, comes the rain..Christmas time will soon be here"Back to Work and Back to School" and "Living just for the Week End" it's almost more impressive on all levels, an improvement of the original.
Don't Stop is a an awesome Chuck Berry type of fast paced roller with Dorset's grooving vocals and backing calls of Dont Stop and a cool guitar and piano solo. Going Back Home is a more Glam rock and fresher mix of surfing backing vocals, fantastic backing rhythms, the piano solo even sounds different with it's clear toned elegance, Dorset's melody is delicious as is the clanky guitars. No Girl Reaction is also an improvement with haunting fuzz and wah distortion on the guitars in this very Psych rock sounding tune with Dorset practically aping Jim Morrison whilst draped in a ghostly hallow; wonderful. Little Miss Hipshake is about the 30th ripoff of Chuck Berry's formula I can take but the lyrics are still catchy as he describes a racy girl growing up fast. I Don't Wanna Go Back To School is the last song, starting with a school bell, when it was a basic ball in a cup bell, it features soulful Horns and Dorset singing in a lazy drawl perfect fro the lyrics about wanting have more fun than return after the summer picking up where Summers Gone started.

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