Bustin Out, the follow up to Pure Prairie League's 72 debut album, busts out with the Alt rock vibes of Angel No 9 with a great mix of a restless drum performance, a lead steel guitar and a jangly country rhythm guitar and some fine twin solos. Jazzman is far more mellow and bears a more natural rhythm and melody, but it's the lonesome whine of a pedal steel in the far background alongside some crystalline acoustic picking that made PPL a folk rock cousin to the Eagles with a more separated sonic mix rather than the bland mush of Eagles song productions, here the warm harmonies, gospel flavour, and rootsy textures of Craig Fuller's lead vocals are all wonderfully restrained. Both are richly melodic yet lacking some snap, which is provided by the next track Leave My Heart Alone with it's hard groovin mix of spritely acoustic, piledriving rock guitar and soaring soulful backing vocals and more 'rusty pipes' lead singers.
I won't make a point about Amie or it's Pre-track Fallin In and Out of Love as their crisscrossing harmony folk pop was the big hit and don't qualify as gems; they are also far too awesome to sum up. Early Morning Riser is an amiable country shuffle with more glistening acoustics, rootsy tooin lead vocals and rock n roll guitar punches. The band were a little too laidback for their own good and never quite showed the depth of the lyrics in their delivery with bright folk rock arrangements that belied the dark presence. By the time you get to Boulder Skies, the sleepy vocal style gets a little too one note for me, I need variety! Well the next song Angel features a more melancholic mountain ballad vibe with the minor key, the lyrics are once again spectacular and the pensive sound brings the lyrics to he fore, though it's a shame country rock was a vocal based genre that the singers in this band didn't modulate more often for dramatic effect. Album closer, Call Me, Tell Me is a fast paced jangly 12 string number with swooping string arrangement that doesn't quite gel with the restrained vocal it's a massive mix error; highly obtrusive and ill fitting you couldn't find a worse addition of a string section to a song, what was Mark Ronson thinking, I mean Mick Ronsons..wait not Bowie's guitarist(checks album liner credits) wait, what!?
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