Friday 10 August 2018

England Dan and John Ford Coley (1976) There'll Never be Another for Me - LOST 70s GEMS

This is a delicious slice of smooth soul pop by the one of the defining yacht rock acts, it starts with wallowing sound of two slide guitars which were their trademark, along with their duelling harmonies, that added to the fabulous soft rock beauty..ahem I'm getting carried away! I found their music arrangements still secondary to the songs and this is another cracker with its overlapping chorus that mimics the bluesy slide guitar much like David Gilmour's There's No Way Out of Here; which came out a couple years later and could act as a dark flip side to this (seriosul listen to it as a companion piece). Particularly as Gilmour possesses a smooth raspy tenor similar to Dan Seals though often with an ironic sneer. For some reason I think of Disco because of the rolling Bee Gees sounding chorus and smooth unparalleled slide guitars wailing away in suhc a precise tone in all their hits, again just like the 'on point', timbre of their layered harmonies.

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